Edition: September 15, 2024
Here's What's Happening:
Hello Raven Family!
It's another great week for learning at Sunlake Academy! Please check out the "Tips for the Week" for notable events! I want to draw your attention to our Tuesday Night Parent Academy on ZOOM.
Over the years we've noticed a fair bit of confusion over field trip policies, procedures, payments etc. that tend to cause a lot of heartache as those trips come up. To help with that, we've created a Parent Academy (Tuesday at 5:30 pm) that will answer all of your questions, explain the process, show you how to find the information and clarify policies and procedures.
With one field trip occurring this week and two more with permission form deadlines this week, we wanted to get out in front so everyone is on the same page for the year. We hope you'll be able to join us. And, if you have a 7th grade student interested in the Florida Keys trip, stay on the call and at 6:30pm we're going to host an information meeting specific to that trip.
Those meetings will occur at the same ZOOM link we always use but we'll send it out again Tuesday afternoon as a reminder. We hope to see you there!
Dr. Moore
Tips for the Week!
- Field Trip Information Parent Academy, Tuesday at 5:30pm on ZOOM
- 7th Grade Florida Keys Trip Meeting, Tuesday at 6:30pm on ZOOM
- PTSO So Fresh Spirit Night is Tuesday at the Lutz Location from 11am-9pm
- 5th Grade to J.A. Biztown on Friday
- Busch Gardens (8th grade) and Florida Keys (7th Grade) permission slips are due on Friday if you're planning to send your student on those experiences.
- PTSO Parent Happy Hour is Friday at Double Bogeys at 6pm
- STAR Reading and Math testing for grades K-2 is happening this week.
Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions. We can't wait to see you Monday!
Dr. Moore
PM Carline Reminders
PM Carline ends at varying times every day. There is no set "time" for it to end. The carline ends when the last car is loaded. Students who have not been picked up at the time carline ends will be sent to emergency care until their ride arrives. This also holds true for tutoring, athletics, and afterschool clubs. Students are expected to have a ride waiting when those activities end. Teachers/Club sponsors/Coaches will send students without a ride to emergency care. A few things to keep in mind:
- Emergency care carries a $30 per student/per visit charge.
- Charges are incurred immediately when students are sent to emergency care.
- Emergency care can only be utilized three times over the course of the year.
- Charges are due immediately and will be posted to your MySchoolBucks.com account.
- All charges must be paid first, before elective charges like jeans passes, school dances, field trips etc.
If your student will be going home in a different way or with different people, please ensure you communicate with the teacher, the front office, and/or after-care, their off-campus after school program etc. by 2pm that day so we ensure we send your student gets to the right place.
For additional information check out our Carline Information Page
Middle School
Tuesday, September 16th - A Day
Full STEAM Ahead
Picture of the Week!
PTSO Updates
PTSO Updates!
Spirit Night at SoFresh
Meet up with some Raven friends for our next Spirit Night at SoFresh 18845 State Rd 54 in Lutz on Tuesday 9/17 from 11am-9pm. You can dine in and use the code RAVENS and they'll donate 20% back to the PTSO.
PTSO Happy Hour
Come meet and mingle with the PTSO board and other SAMS parents Friday, 9/20 from 6-8pm at Double Bogey's Tavern and Grill in Lutz.
Membership Drive
Join the PTSO and contribute to programs that support our students, staff and school! Members who join by 9/23 will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. The top two homerooms by % will win a donut party.
Raise Craze is coming!
Look out for more details on our biggest fundraiser of the year and a chance to color our SAMS community with kindness! Kick off will be Friday 9/27.
Need more information?
Check out the PTSO Website for information about:
Membership • Spirit Store • Volunteer Opportunities
And much more!
Ravens Athletics:
Please click the button below to explore our Athletics webpage. You'll find forms, schedules, and more information about our athletic program! For additional information please contact:
Coaches are sending out their practice schedules through Remind. Please ensure you're connected with the Coach to get messages directly.
Athletic Director: Gino Scardina; gscardina@charterk12.com
Asst. Athletic Director: Phill Duros; pduros@charterk12.com
The SAMS soccer team in action!
Game Schedules and Athletic Events
Stay In The Know:
- For printable school calendar click on the PRINTER icon below.
- Get the RAVEN's calendar directly to your phone: CLICK HERE
- To receive reminder alerts about school events, click the BELL icon below.